Experience and Credentials


Who is Dialtone?  Some of you have inquired about my qualifications and credentials.  Here goes:

– I hold a General Class Amateur Radio License.

– I have been a HAM for over 20 years.

– I have served with numerous emergency radio communications service groups. (ARES/RACES)

– Prior to receiving my HAM license, I spent many years providing emergency radio communications with REACT, a multi-radio service communications group.  In this group, I gained my respect for AM/SSB CB radio.  I experienced firsthand, how effective this method of communication can be on a local level.

– For approximately two years, I served as communications specialist on my local K9 Search and Rescue team with the local fire department.  I am a former EMT and firefighter.

– I am a mentor to those studying for their HAM radio license; and taught them how to program and set up their radio stations.

– I am an alumni of sparks31 grid down commo class. (though not affiliated with sparks31, this blog/class would not be possible without his blessing)

There you go.  That’s my brass.  As far as personal goes…I live and breathe radio, my family and friends will attest to that.  I am focused on amateur radio, scanning and any other type of communication.  I have converted many “non-radio” people to get their HAM license. I am also into preparedness subjects such as food storage, outdoor and urban survival, etc. I also enjoy electronics, such as kit building, repair and experimentation.  I am more of a hardware guy then a computer guy.  I enjoy “old school” tech like field phones and old crystal scanners.

Of course I am into grid down communications.  I am pro QRP (low power operating).  Anything field expedient.  Antenna building (why buy when you can make).  I primarily run all my HF comms portable.  I monitor all radio comms in my AO for intel purposes.  I maintain a 2 meter simplex net with all of our “team” (see my simplex post).  I have successfully trained our entire team and helped them ALL get their amateur radio license.  Many of them where not commo people beforehand. I hope this give you a good insight into what I am about.

If you have any further questions feel free to contact me at : dialtoneblog@gmail.com
Dialtone OUT.

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